- THIS MATERIAL IS PUBLISHED AND PROTECTED BY U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW - REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED UNLESS FOR PERSONAL USE, EXCEPTING AUTHOR PERMISSION - Peter F. Kelly, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S. * Diplomate, American Board of Podiatric Surgery Fellow, American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE: A PRACTICAL MONITORING METHOD Published in Two Parts PART ONE: DISCUSSION OF VASCULAR ASSESSMENT *This work resulted in receipt of the Angiology Award, Pannsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine, 1986 ABSTRACT Until this time, no simple noninvasive method of calculating and monitoring calibrated parameters of blood perfusion has existed. The first section of this paper discusses various methods of diagnosing circulatory deficiencies and uses the example of intermittent claudication, for it is a frequently encountered symptom of circulatory inadequacy. The second section of this paper will introduce mathematical fundamentals which show a practical method of calibrating circulatory velocity and flow studies. With this the practitioner of Podiatric Medicine or Surgery is better prepared to monitor blood flow through the extremities with increased accuracy. INTRODUCTION Intermittent claudication is oftentimes the first clinical symptom of arterial insufficiency in the legs. It is usually easily diagnosed from the specific localization of clinical symptoms. Claudication is observed as pain and/or cramping in the muscles of locomotion of patients who, after walking or exercising, experience pain in a muscle group which forces the individual to stop activity temporarily until the circulation restores nutrients and clears out products of metabolism.(1,2) A clinical diagnosis of intermittent claudication may be performed with relative ease. Some of the brief routines described below only emphasize how simple it may be to make more adequate the history and physical exam by adding this important vascular parameter. The implications of this problem are serious enough in an otherwise uncompromised circulation, but become increasingly important in the diabetic and patient suffering from peripheral vascular disease.(2,3) Claudication is also an important indicator of a progressive vascular diseases which may lead to the loss of a limb. Because of that grave and realistic prognosis, and the occasional elusive symptoms sometimes elicited by intermittent claudication, it seems obvious that it would be valuable for the practitioner to find a most reliable method to gauge the patient's vascular status during the initial evaluation and subsequent follow up. The Podiatrist, by knowing accurately blood flow to the foot, is able to administer more precise dosages of medication for the compromised area. Current vascular research has suggested parameters which may be of clinical significance in determining the status and extent of disease, where the practitioner will be able to make measurements of vascular flow and resistence non-invasively, non-occlusively. The practitioner will also bypass the unreliabilities of auscultation, and by calibrating the existing Doppler unit, be able to directly measure blood flow and peripheral resistance. Advances in these techniques of Doppler ultrasound allows measurement not only of systolic blood pressure and blood flow quite accurately, but now of vascular resistance. The significance of measuring vascular resistance is that the clinician would measure directly the decreased perfusion to the tissues.(7,14) Many clinical tests which have merit, but also certain drawbacks, will be discussed. THEORY OF ISCHEMIA Intermittent claudication is ultimately caused by a decrease in perfusion resulting in ischemia and pain. Peripheral vascular disease, vasospastic syndromes, arterial entrapment, hypoxemia of severe anemia or severe muscular work loads contribute to claudication. The resulting pain is a result of the inadequate clearing of metabolic acids, prostaglandins, bradykinins, histamines, and other elements from fuscle tissue. A unique characteristic of patients with intermittent claudication is an increased lactate to pyruvate ratio, not only during and after exercise, but also before. Claudication is also distinguished histochemically by recruitment of type two (anaerobic, white) muscle fibers at the expense of type one (aerobic, red) fibers. Certain enzyme changes are seen in each of the muscle types, such as increased succinate dehydrogenase activity to further adapt the cell to the decrease in nutrients.(4) More severely ischemic muscle does not adapt, but will display fiber atrophy resulting from capillary losses, which indicate a disuse phenomena.(5,6) CLINICAL TESTING OF VASCULAR DISEASE Common clinical methods for diagnosing intermittent claudication include treadmill walking tests, stepping tests, the Ankle-Arm Ischemic Index and brachial-ankle pressure gradients, knee bends or toe rises (with segmental plethysmography) and venous occlusion plethysmography. Non-invasive diagnostic methods include ultrasonic arteriography, thermography, and capillary plethysmography. Arteriography is an invasive technique and usually only considered in the preoperative examination for patients undergoing vascular surgery. Thus, by preference of the physician, the diagnosis of occlusive vascular disease is made by the clinical tools and non-invasive diagnostic methods. Oftentimes the treadmill evaluation is used to evaluate claudication distance because of its practicality. The treadmill evaluation readily demonstrates the characteristics of claudication and directly informs the doctor whether his therapy is beneficial. However, no speed or degree of treadmill slope standards exist since investigators adapt both of those parameters to the possibilities of the patient. The evaluation is subjective since the endpoint of the test is influenced partly by the patient's feelings which may be variable from day to day. Normal conditions of walking are not duplicated, and patients who are physically handicapped, or have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or cardiovascular disease may not be able to participate. Thus another method of evaluation is necessary to insure uniform results and participation.(7) Treadmill walking tests using Doppler determination of pressures at the ankle are commonly used as a basis for management and assessment of therapy for intermittent claudication. Total walking time is reproducible, however, the time of pain onset is still unreliable. Additionally, a single walking test is an inadequate assessment of claudication.(8) The Arm-Ankle Pressure gradient is the systolic pressure gradient between upper arm level and ankle level, and is an indirect measurement of the amount of arteriosclerosis from heart level to ankle level. In normal subjects there is no fall in systolic pressure between upper arm and ankle level, and therefore any fall in pressure may reflect structural changes in the wall of arteries. The pressure gradient has been shown to increase with increasing numbers of cardiovascular risk factors; therefore, it has been concluded that the pressure gradient may be used to measure the degree of arteriosclerosis between heart and ankle.(9) Problems with this method relate to the wide ranges of extremity blood flow, which may be a result of changes in sympathetic activity. Baker and Dix found a considerable variation in a survey of their patients with clinically stable arterial insufficiency, so the method is not reliable from a clinical standpoint.(10) Plethysmography can be a helpful diagnostic aid if the segments measured (such as the ankle) are calibrated using standard pressures of a blood pressure cuff. This is usually set according to the preference of the individual vascular laboratory and is said to be very accurate in differentiating between normal and abnormal. Because of the substantial number of false positives (up to 20 per cent), it is recommended that this technique should not be used alone, but in conjunction with systolic blood pressure measurements using the Doppler Ultrasound. The Doppler Ultrasound reduces the false positive results to nearly zero.(7, 11) Venous occlusion plethysmography determines the amount of blood flowing through a limb using two techniques. Inflating a blood pressure cuff at the base of the limb between systolic and diastolic blood pressure occludes venous outflow but not arterial inflow. Thus blood is pooled in the limb and the volume increase may be measured. The rate of blood flow of the large vessels may also be determined. A variation of the technique is to inflate the cuff to a suprasystolic pressure for a given time causing circulatory arrest and accumulation of metabolites, mimicking the physiology of intermittent claudication. After release of this pressure a reactive hyperemia occurs and this resulting plethysmography curve will provide information about restrictive vascular lesions. Normal definitions and limits are established by the individual vascular laboratory.(7, 12) A well established technique convenient to the clinician is Segmental Oscillometry performed at rest and after exercise. Oscillations are recorded at rest at the level of the thigh, calf, ankle, and dorsal and plantar aspects of the foot. Measurements at the ankle before and after exercising, the patient having perfomed a set number of deep knee bends and toe rises, provides information about lesions at the iliac level and femoral artery respectively. This technique is quite useful with regard to such lesions, however, the results obtained can be misunderstood as being able to provide more information than is possible.(7) Another vascular tracing technique, but less invasive than arteriography, is measuring isotope clearance from the muscles of the calf and the thigh. This provides information as to whether a stenotic lesion greater or lesser than 70 per cent exists. Compared to arteriography, isotope clearance is not quite as accurate, nor is the resolution of anatomical information as high. The main advantage of isotope clearance is that it is less invasive and also provides information in a three dimensional scale.(13) Ultrasonic arteriography can be used to construct a picture of blood vessels using echography. Frequently it is used to detect areas which form potential emboli. Diameters of vessels may be found, and occlusive lesions may be pinpointed in the larger vessels. With the application of the Doppler principle, ultrasonic arteriography converts into a functional scan since Doppler frequency shifts correspond to fluctuations in flow.(7) RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN VASCULAR ASSESSMENT Recently the clinical applicability of Poiseuille's law involving resistance and blood flow has been utilized. The Poiseuille law states that the "pressure drop along a rigid tube having constant diameter relates proportionately to flow and resistance". Poiseuille discovered that resistance was proportional to the length and area of the tube, and the viscosity of the fluid, and by basic physics showed that the pressure drop was also dependent upon velocity. Of primary concern to the physician, regarding peripheral vascular disease, is whether sufficient amounts of blood are getting to and flowing through a given part. Until now a physician's only method of assessing a patient's vascular status was by measuring blood pressure and comparing this value to accepted norms: This approach erroneously assumes that pressure is a good indicator of flow. Some specialists relate excessive pressure to the increased work load of the heart as well as increased resistance in the circulation. Since pressure readings can have such different interpretations, these measurements seem to be limited in value. Instead, by using the Poiseuille equation, flow and resistance are determined directly, and one can also determine pressure. Validation of the Poiseuille equation gives the medical community an opportunity to establish vascular grading systems based upon pressure, flow, and resistance. These grading systems should allow easy comparison for future vascular assessment of the patient. Recent investigators have also identified a need for non-occlusive measurement of blood pressure. The occlusive cuff method is inaccurate due to differences in the sizes of cuff bladders and longitudinal motion of arm tissue. The problem with Korotkoff sounds is that they cannot be heard at low levels of pressure and are masked in a high noise environment. Korotkoff sounds are also inaudible in infants, or in adults in shock. Auscultation is of little value in the measurement of arterial status of patients and, in addition, tells nothing about blood flow through the part. It has been concluded that using an occlusive cuff with a Doppler Ultrasound flowmeter was a more sensitive method for taking blood pressure than by indirect sphygmomanometry, using Korotkoff sounds.(14) Although arteriography is still necessary for defining structural lesions, Doppler studies have been found to agree with arteriography in 83 of the 84 arterial segments examined. It was also concluded that ultrasound diagnosis and radiographic evaluation levels were comparable.(15) Similarly it has been demonstrated that Doppler shift sensors surpass sphygmomanometry methods by being able to measure diastolic and systolic endpoints in shock states, in infants, as well as in a high noise environment.(14) Korotkoff sounds are only generated during the opening of an artery but not during its closure, whereas distinctive Doppler-shift signals are detected during both events. In addition, Doppler-shifted ultrasound signals are easily obtained from blood vessels, even in atherosclerotic patients. For the aforementioned reasons, it is clear that Doppler instrumentation is the most precise method to non-invasively and non- occlusively determine velocity.(14) Flow and resistance represent the best indicators of vascular status in the lower extremity; this is because claudication results from a decrease in circulation through a given area, such that nutrients cannot flow into the area, and metabolic wastes, kinins, and other products build up, causing pain. By applying Poiseuille's law, the physician can directly measure the amount of blood flow to an area, and by noting the degree of resistance in that part, one can determine how well the body part is being perfused. SUMMARY Various methods of diagnosing intermittent claudication have been discussed. None are completely advantageous in comparison, and each presents unique faults. Within the larger setting of diagnosing circulatory deficiencies, the example of intermittent claudication has been used. In the next section a simplified method of calculating parameters of blood perfusion will be presented so that the practitioner might be able to increase his accuracy in monitoring blood flow through the extremities.